Comenius Project- Invitation to an interesting athletic competetion

Athletics competition and me.

The best athletics competition in my life was last year in Budapest (Hungary). There I ran the fastest "two hundred" in my life. It was great. The competition took place in the Olympic Stadium. There was a super atmosphere. I won there with the time 21.42 sec and this time helped me get to the Europeīs Championship in Athletics. The competition in Hungary was fantastic but it wasnīt the only one. I participated in many other competitions around Europe- in Czechia, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Lithuania etc. I am aiming high. " A man drudges as a madman to get to the top." Thatīs my idea of the day.


The National Championship in Athletics

The National Championship in Athletics take place every last weekend of June. This event is a feast for all athletes. I train hard for this competition and I always hope to win. Itīs my dream. I look forward to this weekend because I meet friends who I havenīt seen for the whole year. The atmosphere at the athletics ground is always very nice, but unfortunately some people must be sad and disappointed.


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