Comenius Project- When there is a new film in the cinema

When the new film in the cinema

'My God', many a spectator marveles after a movie hero has shot twenty stunt men into many pieces (each of them has been killed at least twice in a movie) or if he goes to the action in order to rescue or to reverenge someone. But-the right spectator and the right film maker know very well that this isnīt reality- that they just take pleasure in acting. A spectator is expected to join the game, to feel the drama of the story for two hours, to enjoy the pace, wit, professionality and than go home and take nothing of it seriously ['You have got a Colt and it has only six bullets and Iīve counted twenty shots. You have not loaded it !' the villain is complaining. 'You are right but the spectator does not notice it (mostly),' the answer is.]. It has always been so, because the standard of quality lies only on the line between a good work- a bad work. To recognize this line is the best of it.


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