Comenius Project- Start of the hunting season

I can´t describe a typical Czech party. I can only draw one I took part in. We´re starting in the pub called Jamaica, where we´ve reserved twenty seats. We have not much place because we´ve met someone´s friends who joined us. We always start with beer. The waitress can hardly manage to supply us with new pints. After about the fifth beer it´s a right time for the first shot. It is usually Becher, Fernet, vodka or rum. Whiskey is too expensive for poor students. Nobody´s is in a hurry, the mood is nice. Both sexes are near at a time. We leave the bar at roughly 8 o´clock and we move to the Rock Café where the concert of the group called Wild Bill holds. While the support group is playing, we are in the bar drinking beer. Finally we go dancing (if it is possible to call it dance). About midnight we transfer to the house of the one of us whose suspicionless parents left for their weekend house. Some of us listen to music and sing and play the electric and bass guitars. The rest (the sober) are watching "Pulp Fiction" on the video and rolling the first joint. As the one you wanna to talk to is always in the next room, the traffic between the rooms is quite busy. Couples are trying to find a suitable room and and as there are not any vacant rooms they have to go to the nearby park. Majority prefer watching "Trainspotting" but the film is only the background. Everybody is blissful that we don´t have to get up in the early morning and we are wagging our tongues. We fall asleep at about nine o´clock a.m. Some go home, the others lie down wherever it´s possible. When we wake up, everything is gonna repeat.


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