Comenius Project- Football training camps

I go to a winter football training camp every year. It's at Dolce near the Giant Mountains in North Bohemia. The camp lasts one week. The journey to Dolce starts on Saturday morning. We reach it in the afternoon and we are accommodated in a big cottage. Than we have free time for the rest of the day. Next day in the morning the first phase of the training starts.Running is the main part of this phase. At 12 o'clock is a lunch and then two hours of free time. In this time I either play ice hockey on the nearby pond or go skiing. The second phase is in the afternoon and main activities are jogging and football. At about 7 o'clock is dinner, then we go to the sauna, further I sometimes play table tennis or just relax. I go to bed at 10 o'clock p.m. The other days are similar, only on Wednesday we have free time all afternoon. In the evening of the last day there is a farewell party and next day we go home.


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