Comenius Project- Summer holiday 99
Summer holiday 99

I spent almost all my holiday in Prague. In July I was reconstructing and furnishing my flat and last weekend I went to the town called Brno. In August I had a part-time job along with my girlfriend. I was working six hours a day in the clothing shop in the center of Prague.

Lucie Mandziukova

First week I stayed at home with my sister. Next three weeks I worked in on office as a clerk with a computer. First week at work I was very tired and desperate. At the end of the month I went on holiday with my parents. We spent our family holiday on a farm in South Bohemia. At the beginning of August I was at home again. I was playing tennis with my friends, but I was also ill. Nothing serious. The rest of the holiday I was playing tennis and going to the cinema.

Lukáš Krejeík

My holiday was very nice and very simple this year. Almost the whole time I was in our cottage in The Iron Mountains. It is a protected landscape, because the landscape there is very, very nice. I was busy with some repairing of our house, for example painting the rooms, painting the fence, I helped with gardening. Nevertheless I had enough time for my hobby - biking. I went by bike for many trips to The Iron Mountains - alone or with my family or with my friends. This time was very nice for meetings with my friends. There are many rooms in our cottage and our friends could come to us for several days. We swam (there is a large pond), grilled many sausages and chops and went for trips in this area. My mother's friends came from Germany and we spent one week together and I had to speak English. It was very nice, because sometimes they understood me! One week I spent with my aunt´s family, I have two cousins. We had fine relaxation at Smilovice, it is near the town Pribram. We played tennis, table tennis, skittle, mini golf and we swam in the river Vltava. We visited the nice castle Orlík. I like taking photos and I have many nice photos from this holiday.

Václav Krechter

I was all summer holidays at the our cottage. It is in a small town in central Bohemia. It is my favourite place, where I have a lot of friends. I was playing football, volleyball and table tennis there. Sometimes I was riding on a bicycle. From time to time I worked in the garden. I was taking photos and riding on a motor cycle. The summer holiday 99 was very nice.

Jakub Koreš

First two weeks I was at home and time to time to I went out to the center of Prague. I also went on some trips. I was in the quarry called Big America , Mexico and Little America. They are called like this, because they look like canyons in America. I visited Karlstejn castle. It is an old and beautiful building which belonged to the most famous king in the Czech history, Charles IV. I often went for walks in Prague, once even at night, and saw many very interesting places. Then I was at the "Indians´ camp". I was a counselor there. I used to go to this a camp as a child but this year for the first time as a counselor. I didn't enjoy it because I couldn't play with my friends. Then I arrived home and next day I started work in a shoe shop. I worked from 10:00 to 18:00 and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:00. Sundays were free. I worked for almost a month and first two school weeks. This job is very boring during the summer but at the beginning of the school year it was quite busy.

Irina Sergueeva

This year´s summer holiday was really nice. All holidays are nice because there is no school. I spend most of time in the countryside which is most beautiful in summer. This year I spent my holiday at various places. We went to the south of Bohemia, where we stayed at a campsite at Stráž nad Nežárkou (a small town). We- it means me, my sister, my mother and our two dogs. We were there two weeks. Then I went to a children´s camp near Rabštejn nad Střelou. I looked after children because I was an assistant there. Such an assistant has his own group of children and is responsible for them. I spent three weeks there. Afterwards I was one week in Prague. Two last weeks I was in the village Hostivice, where I was working in the garden and I riding on a bike and swimmming in a nearby pond and I relaxing. At the end of my holiday I was looking forward to school.

Helena Jarkovská

What did I do on holidays ? In July I was lookin' for a job but I didn't get anythin' so I gave it up and I was programin' and playin' PC-games (above all 3d-action games like DOOM)and doin' followin' interestin' things with computer. In August at last I left Prague and went to the Krušné mountains. There was fresh air all around in comparsion with Prague but weather wasn't so good. In spite of it there was a lot of chances for tourin' and I took 'em. I return'd at the end o'the holidays.

Michal Havlícek

First two weeks I sailed in canoes the river Vltava with my friends. I´m lucky that I did not drown because, we were in the middle of the biggest dam lake in the Czech Republic, Lipno,when high waves rose and it was a very dangerous moment.We had much fun on weirs, we met many new people and saw lovely towns.

Next I was hiking with my two friends for one week in the Czech mountains called Jeseníky. We slept every day at another place in a tent and we had a lot of experiences.

For several days I stayed at home in Prague and after that I spent a few days at my grandparents´ and with my sister in the countryside. At the beginning of August I went to Switzerland to my uncle. I had a part-time job here. In my free time I learned to drive my uncle´s old car. I had many problems with this car and now, I think, it rests in peace in a cars´ cemetery.

I went to a workcamp near Grenoble in France. It was very interesting for me. I lived in a small village in the mountains with international groups of young people and some French counselors.We worked for about five hours a day and after return we had a very good French food and accommodation. At weekends I was hiking in beautiful mountains. I spoke with the others in Engish, because I don´t speak French. Sometimes it was difficult, because some counselors don´t speak English and my English is not perfect,too. I´m sure that I want to go to some workcamp next year too.

The last week I visited my other grandparents and I cured my cough (my souvenir from the French mountains). I think it was the best summer holiday in my life.

Štepán Frk

First two weeks I was in Prague, where I was sleeeping most of the time. Next two weeks I spent in the Krkonose Mountains (the highest mountain range in our country) and at the end of July I was back in Prague again. There I worked on a structure to earn some money. Then I experienced a torturing time with my grandmother. At the end of August I was at the seaside in Croatia. There I relaxed on the beach. They have very pretty girls.

Jan Dušek